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A Guide to Regular Self-care when TTC

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Tips to help navigate the Festive Season

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An introduction to acupuncture for IVF

An introduction to acupuncture for IVF There are many steps you can take before and during IVF treatment that may…

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Mindfulness and Fertility

Infertility and its treatment may be physically and emotionally exhausting. The possible loss of the opportunity to parent, and raised…

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Coping with COVID-19: We can all beat it!

Fertility North patients and staff are facing a period of significant uncertainty, the personal impacts of social distancing and, for…

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35 Date Ideas To Get You Through The Two Week Wait

So it’s here; the dreaded two weeks in every treatment cycle that you have to wait out before your pregnancy…

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Intimacy During Infertility – Is that possible?

We hear all the time from patients about the pressures that infertility places on a relationship when you’re trying to…

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Yoga and Meditation – Assist in Fertility

How yoga and meditation may assist fertility. Yoga and meditation have been clinically shown to be beneficial in reducing stress…

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