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What to expect in your first month of IVF

What to expect in your first IVF cycle In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be an exciting but also daunting prospect, with…

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35 Date Ideas To Get You Through The Two Week Wait

So it’s here; the dreaded two weeks in every treatment cycle that you have to wait out before your pregnancy…

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RI WITNESS™ – Safeguard of Embryos in the Laboratory

An important question to ask when starting out at a new fertility clinic is “What are the witnessing procedures within…

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What To Look For In An IVF Clinic

In the age of internet chat rooms and ‘Dr Google’, patients are being empowered to make decisions on their fertility…

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Yoga and Meditation – Assist in Fertility

How yoga and meditation may assist fertility. Yoga and meditation have been clinically shown to be beneficial in reducing stress…

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Not All Embryos Are Created Equal

During an IVF cycle it’s highly likely that more than one egg will be collected and fertilised. The challenge for…

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