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Coping with COVID-19: We can all beat it!

Fertility North patients and staff are facing a period of significant uncertainty, the personal impacts of social distancing and, for…

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How To Create An Ovulation Calendar

If you don’t already have one, you’re going to need a diary or a calendar. One simple, solvable reason you…

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Let’s Dispel Some Common Donor Myths

Let’s Dispel Some Common Myths About Donor IVF: Myth 1. “If I donate I have some legal/financial responsibility to the…

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Everything You Need To Know About Male Factor Infertility

Investigations and Treatment In Australia, 1 in 5 couples have difficulties conceiving, leading many to seek medical advice. It is…

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RI WITNESS™ – Safeguard of Embryos in the Laboratory

An important question to ask when starting out at a new fertility clinic is “What are the witnessing procedures within…

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Subfertility: It’s Not Just A Biological Issue

Achieving parenthood is a life goal for many individuals and couples, and it fulfills many milestones in people’s lives and…

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Still Hope For A Natural Conception

It is good medicine to identify and treat the cause of diseases rather than treat their effects. Infertility, though often…

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Single Embryo Transfer A Safer Option

“Fertility clinic offers 2 for 1 deal” is the kind of advertisement people will not see from an Australian fertility…

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