Advanced Technology

Endometrial Receptivity Testing (ERPeak)

A specialised test to help determine the implantation window, that is, the best time for embryo transfer. 

What is the Endometrial Receptivity Analysis test? 

The Endometrial Receptivity Analysis or ERPeak Test® is a diagnostic test used to determine the optimal time during a treatment cycle for embryo transfer to take place.  

During a mock embryo transfer cycle, a small sample of tissue is taken from your endometrium (the lining of the womb) using a specialised sampling kit.  Once the biopsy has been taken, it is sent to a specialist laboratory for analysis.  

There, the Laboratory will analyse the hundreds of genes involved in implantation in your sample to determine your individual optimum implantation window. 

What is the purpose of an Endometrial Receptivity test? 

It is thought that up to 30% of women will have a displaced window of implantation (the period of time during which an embryo is most likely to implant in the uterus.  If embryo transfer is not well-timed, even the most perfect embryo will fail to implant.  

Endometrial Receptivity testing evaluates the stage of an endometrium to determine whether it is receptive or non-receptive to implantation at the time the biopsy was taken.  In the case where the endometrium is non-receptive, the test identifies the ideal personalised window of implantation for each patient.  This gives us the time when the uterus will be most receptive to an embryo transfer, improving the chances of success.

This personalised timing is then used in a subsequent frozen embryo transfer cycle to ensure that your embryo transfer takes place at the optimum time for you. 

Who is Endometrial Receptivity testing suitable for? 

ERPeak® tests have been proven most useful for patients who have experienced recurrent implantation failure with good quality embryos.  Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is defined as the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after the transfer of at least four good-quality embryos in a minimum of three fresh or frozen cycles to a woman under the age of 40 years. 

How can we help you? 

Fertility North have been conducting endometrial receptivity testing since 2016.  

These tests cannot guarantee pregnancy, so it’s important that you discuss this test and how it may (or may not) benefit you with your fertility doctor.  

To schedule an appointment or to find out more, please contact the team at Fertility North.  

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How is an Endometrial Receptivity test done?

More Information 

To read more information on endometrial receptivity testing, please click on the links below: 


